Benjamin Ayer

Business Email Compromise (BEC): A Global Threat
Business Email Compromise (BEC): A Global Threat

Business email compromise, or BEC – defined as a fraud tactic using email to socially engineer an employee to install malware or unwittingly transfer/redirect funds into a fraud operator’s account – is an increasingly sophisticated and elusive fraud tactic. According to the FBI, BEC is a $2 billion a year business.

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OpEd: Coronavirus increases exposure for digital payments fraud
Coronavirus increases exposure for digital payments fraud

As travel restrictions tighten, and social distancing in the coming weeks becomes the new normal, financial interactions – from shopping to banking – will increasingly move online. The rise in purchase volume that will result will not only test supply chains, but also the ability of individuals and businesses to avoid fraud traps.

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GIACT® Releases Report on the Staggering Cost of Returned Mail
GIACT® Releases Report on the Staggering Cost of Returned Mail

GIACT Systems, LLC, the leader in helping companies positively identify and authenticate customers, today announced a new report, Undeliverable as Addressed: The Staggering Cost of Returned Mail and How Proactive Identity Monitoring Can Solve the Problem, on the costly problem of returned mail as a result of deficient identity management.

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Fraud Is Rapidly Evolving in 2020
Fraud Is Rapidly Evolving in 2020

Now that it’s well into 2020, we’re in the midst of a rapidly evolving fraud landscape. Gone are the days where fraudsters primarily operated in the physical world, using stolen credit cards to make transactions. Instead, as society has become increasingly digital, so have fraudsters.

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Theft in the Age of Digital Retail
Theft in the Age of Digital Retail

Unlike shoplifting, no security alarm goes off when identity fraud is committed. In the age of digital retail, particularly in a post-breach world where millions of identities have been exposed, that should alarm most retailers.

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