giact mastercard discover open banking account verification
Expand your ability to verify bank account data, reduce payments risk and improve customer experience with access to over 95% of U.S. deposit accounts1.
Open Banking Account Verification in partnership with Mastercard uses consumer-permissioned authentication to create a secure, direct connection between you and your customer’s financial institution.
  • Verify individual or business bank account information, transaction history, and income in real-time across multiple financial institutions
  • Allow your customers to connect their account(s) using consumer-permissioned authentication, facilitating a more seamless onboarding experience without the need to store customer login credentials
  • Augment the account verification process through a customizable, waterfall approach leveraging GIACT’s existing solutions (including gVERIFY® and gAUTHENTICATE®) and the Mastercard Network to manage payments risk across your customer base
  • Enables reverification of permissioned information seamlessly once a connection is established
  • Maximize conversions, lower abandonment rates and improve customer experience overall
Benefits include:
  • Expanded coverage on over 95% of U.S. deposit accounts
  • Better manage payments risk
  • Improve customer experience
  • Maximize conversions
  • Lower abandonment rate
  • Single API and vendor for all of your identity, payments and compliance needs

1 Coverage of US deposit accounts through Mastercard open banking network, bank consortium data sources and GIACT proprietary data

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