gIDENTIFY® Standard now has ID Risk Score Indicator

gIDENTIFY® Standard now has ID Risk Score Indicator.

gIDENTIFY Standard, which uses the most current, comprehensive, accurate data available to confirm customer and business identities, now includes a new risk scoring feature, ID Risk Score Indicator.

ID Risk Score Indicator allows organizations to ‘score’ identity risk when onboarding or processing customers. By scoring identity data, organizations can more easily determine the overall level of risk associated with the accuracy or inaccuracy of certain identity data points.

Importantly, ID Risk Score Indicator gives organizations more flexibility to determine their own risk — allowing them to weigh mismatches or missing identity data — giving them more control over their risk decisions.

Adding ID Risk Score Indicator also allows organizations to better automate their risk decisioning process, making risk decisioning faster and easier to analyze.

Features & Benefits

  • Make risk decisioning simple for staff with easy to understand, pre-programed risk scores 
  • Better automate your risk decisions process by applying risk thresholds 
  • Weigh certain identity data to reflect your organization’s risk tolerance 
  • Add control and flexibility to your risk scoring by applying logic 
  • Receive fact-based, real-time response codes and XML details for additional analysis 
  • Available via API, Batch or Virtual Terminal

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